Attention MMLS Members: We are Looking for a New Editor!
Yes, we are looking for one of our club members to become our Rockkpile editor.
Our present editor has had the job for the last 10 years. The editor will be 84 years old in July and would like to retire. This job could be taken on by two people. Diane helps me with the Rockpile. If you are interested and want to know how we put the Rockpile together, let me know. This does not mean you have to do it the same way. -Editor Pete |
2024 Club Officers
MMLS Members Did You Know?
Recently, this came to our attention: I asked one of our members if they would be attending our Spring Swap on March 18th. The response came back, "what swap?". Seems they are receiving the Rockpile by email and not having a hard copy in their hands available, they forget about looking at it and are missing out on events taking place. I offered to put them back on getting the newsletter by mail and was asked-- "can we do that?"" Of course you can"! Just send us an email or call us and we will change the way you receive Your Rockpile. You are missing out on some great MMLS events and meetings!! ! Editor Pete and his Staff
Notice to Members:
If you would rather get your Rockpile by way of email let the editor know.
Field Trips
Mike has some field trips planned so if you are interested,
contact Mike Bomba our field trip chairman or better yet, attend our monthly meetings - September through June. We do not meet July or August.